Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jim Carrey at 50: His funniest moments Jim Carrey is 50 today

According to the map we've only gone 

four inches.' An infamous quote there 

from 1990s epic Dumb And Dumber, in 

which Jim Carrey made his mark as a 

funny man of the future.

Today, Jim celebrates his 50th birthday

 and his career has certainly moved more

 than four inches since his Dumb And

 Dumber days. A movie icon of the 

1990s, Carrey has been featured in over 

37 films (that rubbery face has put in a 

lot of work) and smashed the box office

 on numerous occasions. We've taken a 

look back at his brilliant career 


Friday, January 6, 2012

What happens when translations go awry?

All abuzz over ‘Ethical Clothing’.

Some extracts to make you smile:

“Clothes that poke eye” is a literal

 translation of pakaian yang menjolok 

mata, which is supposed to mean

 revealing clothes in Bahasa Malaysia.

 Other finds included: “collared shirts 

and tight Malay civet berbutang three”, 

which, in Malay, is berkolar baju 

Melayu cekak musang berbutang tiga.

Baju batik lengan panjang berkolar / 

cekak musang buatan Malaysia

meanwhile is translated as “long-sleeve 

batik shirt with collar / mongoose fight 

made in Malaysia”.
There was also “shine closed”, which 

was translated from kasut bertutup,or 

closed-toe shoes.

For more click :